
  • Project: Tortoise Illustration
  • Client: ASU School of life Sciences gift for Kenro Kusumi
  • Design: Digital illustration

From Jan. 2019 to July 1, 2021, Kenro Kusumi served as the director for School of Life Sciences, the largest academic unit in The College and the university. During this time, he also served as the Associate Dean of Strategic Partnerships for The College. Jennifer Fewell resumed the School of Life Sciences director's role and continued many of the items that Kenro started.

On Friday, Dec. 10, 2021, the School of Life Sciences faculty, staff, and graduate students were invited to attend the seasonal celebration in the LSE courtyard area. During this small outdoor ceremony, Jennifer Fewell presented Kenro with the framed artwork to thank him for his tireless efforts during a stressful pandemic period. He said that it was a complete surprise and it fits perfectly hung up in his office, where he serves as the Dean of Natural Sciences for The College.